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  • International award EX LIBRIS E PICCOLA GRAFICA

    On the occasion of the centenary of Dante's death

    29/04/2021 - 8/31/2021

    The Municipality of Bolsena and the Idea Association on the occasion of the seventh centenary of the death of Dante Alighieri “Ex libris and small print International Contest Dante 2021 – Places and figures of Tuscia and Orvieto in the Divine Comedy

    The event will be followed by conferences and traveling exhibitions.

    Total amount of prizes:

    Euro 1200 for Italian artists

    Euro 1200 for non-Italian artists

    1 complete two-night stay on Lake Bolsena for two people.

    1 special prize of Euro 300


    Comune e la Fondazione Casa Civita di Bagnoregio,

    Comune di Capodimonte,

    Comune di Marta,

    Istituto Storico Artistico di Orvieto

    Club per l’Unesco Viterbo-Tuscia

    Biblioteca Consorziale di Viterbo

    Biblioteca Comunale di Bolsena

    Pro-Loco di Bolsena

    Consorzio Turistico del Lago di Bolsena

    Sezione Lega Navale del Lago di Bolsena

    Associazione Pro Montefiascone

    Gruppo interdisciplinare per lo Studio della Cultura tradizionale

    Deadline for registration on line July 31th, 2021

    Deadline for submission on line of the photos August31th, 2021

    Deadline for receipt of the works September 15th, 2021

    Link: terms of regulations



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