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  • Saint Francis Theater (Teatro San Francesco)

    Located inside the Saint Francis Church (Chiesa di San Francesco), in Piazza Matteotti.

    Historical Background
    The Church was built by Monaldeschi della Cervara and it was dedicated to the Nativity of the Virgin Mary. It was built at the beginning of the 13th century when they donated it to the Orders of Friars Minor Conventual of Saint Francis. It has only one nave and a raised apse on the north side. The ceiling has a covering built with the exposed trusses technique. The church was subjected to various transformations during the centuries and during the 18th century it was subjected to one the most important modification: the original Gothic aspect was modified by the new Baroque style. The frescoes on the nave made by Romanelli, the frescoes on the apse made by Davanzarano; a crucifixion with two saints of the 16th century near the exit; the fresco illustrating the miracles of Saint Anthony on the lower side of the right wall and the tomb of Monaldeschi della Cervara are very interesting.

    Current use
    It hosts theater companies; concerts with choirs, world-famous musicians and singers; ballet companies; conferences and various conventions. It often hosts the Festival Barocco.

    Capacity: up to 300 seats

    For more information:
    Cultural Office of Bolsena (Ufficio Cultura Comune di Bolsena)
    Tel. +39 0761 795 317 – ufficiocultura@comune.bolsena.vt.it

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